Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Traitor's Wife by Susan Higginbotham

I ventured into uncharted territory picking up this book. I had never gone back this far in either fiction or non fiction. The farthest I ever went back beforehand was the 1600s. And I'm not very educated in English history before the 1800s, so I learned a lot. One of the things that is great about historical fiction, is that you end up wanting to learn more about the people and events you're reading about. That's what happened here, I learned about a period of history I wasn't educated in before.

The Traitor's Wife was vastly researched, there is no doubt about that. That is much appreciated.

The story itself got better as it went along. Once Eleanor got older, she got more wiser and her character developed and I liked her very much, while at the beginning of the story I wasn't sure. Her children: Hugh and Edward I ended up liking very much. Both of them vastly different from each other, and you could see their distinct personalities. I'm glad we got insight into the children, that was one of my favorite things about The Traitor's Wife, so I'm just itching to read Hugh and Bess.

One thing I can appreciate, is when you end up hating a character because there isn't any other feeling you can attend to them. They're just evil. It's easy to write a likable character, but to write one so horrible in nature such as Roger Mortimer, is harder than it seems. I loved that (I inwardly went "Yay!" when he met his fate).

In the end, I ended up loving this book and can't wait to read more by the author.


Jenny said...

I have trouble with some historical fiction sometimes too because it's hard for me to picture everything or to understand. I love, though, when I read one and it makes me want to learn more about it!