The only question which hangs over the life of Sir Richard Wyndham, notable whip, dandy and Corinthian, is one of marriage. On the eve of making the most momentous decision of his life, he is on his way home, a little worse for drink, when he chances upon a beautiful young fugitive climbing out of a window by means of knotted sheets - and so finds a perfect opportunity for his own escape.
How can one resist a story with a summary like that? There's nothing more refreshing than a Georgette Heyer Regency novel to take a break from serious literature. Still, Heyer's books aren't frivolous romances. They have rich plots and original - and sometimes insane - characters.
The Corinthian was a fast-paced story with lots of action filled with murder, intrigue, thievery, purposeful mistaken identity and a little romance. Add some witty dialogue to round out this sparkling Heyer classic.

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