I got a bit of reading done this week. I started and finished two books and finished another one I had been reading for a while. I started and finished books #2 and #3 in the Sebastian St. Cyr mystery series - When Gods Die and Why Mermaind Sing - by C.S. Harris. Both reviews are here. I also finished The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian England from 1811-1901 by Kristine Hughes, which was a pretty good, short overview of the two time periods. It was separated into three parts: Everyday Life; Government, War and the Economy; Society. It will most likely serve very helpful in the future.
I'm still working my way through 1776. I'm using it as my before bed read, so it's taking a while to get through. It's very informative and intense. I'll be sure to review it as soon as I'm done. I also started a new book Possession: A Romance by A.S. Byatt. This sucker has been on my TBR list forever. I've heard such great things about it. The movie has also been on my to watch list, but I, of course, do not want to watch it until I finish reading. I can't wait to watch it, really. How can you beat a movie with Jeremy Northam and Jennifer Ehle? Anyway, I'm almost half-way through the book. I finished 'The Correspondence' chapter last night and it was just breathtaking.
Speaking of 1776, I'm going to make my first In This Day In History post later, which is connected to the events in this book.
Last Sunday I received my first award from Jenny at TakeMeAway. The The Lemonade Award Awarded for Great Attitude or Gratitude. Thanks so much, Jenny!

I'd like to pass this along to:
Amy @ Amy Reads Good Books
I hope this week treats you well, people! I, myself, applied for a job today. *fingers crossed*

Good luck on the job Christy...I am also on the prowl, so I can relate =) Congrats on your award...that's pretty good being that you're so new!
Thank you for posting about my giveaway...having just finished the novel, I can say that the winner is one lucky reader...it's a fantastic book.
I'm off to add the Victorian London book on my wishlist!
Have a good week!
I watched Possession years ago (didn't know it was a book) and LOVED it!! I seriously just found out it was a book within the past few weeks, lol!
Good luck on the job!
Amy- Thanks. I hope you have luck on your hunt!
The book sounds really interesting. I've heard nothing but positive reviews.
Jenny- Oh, man. I have a urge to just zip through this book to watch the movie, but at the same time the book is so beautiful that I don't want it to end. Dilemma.
And thanks. :)
Aww, thanks for the award! And, good luck on the job application!
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