Happy Sunday!
I got a bit of reading done this week. Finished two books. The first of which was Possession: A Romance by A.S. Byatt which - to put it mildly - I loved it. One of my favorites books I've read this year. I also watched the film, which I was less than enthusiastic about, except for the period scenes, which I just adored. I'd also like to get my hands on some of Byatt's other work.
I also finally finished 1776 by David McCullough. Fantastic book for anyone enthusiastic about learning about The American Revolution, which incase you haven't noticed, I am. I started the book Nathanael Greene: A Biography by Gerald M. Carbone which is a biography about Washington's favorite general. After I finish, I have biographies lined up about another loyal Washington general: Henry Knox and one about Washington himself.
I'm close to finishing Indiscretion by Jude Morgan. I have to say, it's very Georgette Heyer-esque. I am really loving it. The dialogue is so fantastic that the characters' personalities just jump off the page.
The other day I also started The Meaning of Night: A Confession by Michael Cox. It's a hefty dark novel set in the 1850s. It'll probably take me a bit to read it.
Last but not least, I received the Me-To-You award from Jenny at TakeMeAway. Thanks!

I hope today and the rest of the week goes smoothly for everyone. :)

I might have said this before but I didn't know Possession was a book until a few weeks ago! I loved the movie back when I saw it so I'm assuming I'll love the book even more!
Since you loved the movie, then you'll love the book! The modern day story is 10x better in the book. I felt it was choppy in in the film. The period story is gorgeous in both book and film form.
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