Happy Sunday!
Didn't get much done this week as far as reading. Finished one book The Traitor's Wife by Susan Higginbotham. I loved it and it's sparked my interest in medieval historical fiction.
I'm still reading The Meaning of Night: A Confession by Michael Cox and I should finish that this week.
I started my first book in the Back To School challenge with North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. Loving it so far.
Speaking of challenges, I started another challenge this week, a non-reading challenge Period Drama challenge.
And I'm sure you've heard, but tomorrow starts a really exciting event in historical fiction blogland:
Should be exciting!
And speaking of exciting, today's the first Sunday in the NFL season. I am a big football fan and I will be indisposed for the rest of the day in the games. Hope my fellow football fans have fun today!
Have a great week!

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