Happy Sunday!
Not a very eventful week in bookland. I finished two books last week. The first, Indiscretion by Jude Morgan which I recommend to folks who love Austen, Heyer and the like. I loved the writing and may get into some of his other work. The other book I finished was a non fiction book called Nathanael Green: A Biography of the American Revolution by Gerald M. Carbone, which was pretty good, not excellent.
I'm still working my way through The Meaning of Night: A Confession by Michael Cox and started two other books. The first, The Traitor's Wife by Susan Higginbotham, which I'm half-way through at the moment. The other, This Glorious Struggle: George Washington's Revolutionary War Letters by Edward G. Lengal. I just can't seem to get enough of the American Revolution right now.

I received another Lemonade Award Awarded for Great Attitude or Gratitude. This time from Stephanie over at Misfit Salon. Thanks, Stephanie!

Lastly, I started my first challenge this week: Back To School Challenge. Easy enough challenge to start with, just four books. Gotta get my feet wet! :)
Have a great week!

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