I finished some good books last week. I finally finished This Glorious Struggle: George Washington's Revolutionary War Letters by Edward G. Lengel. Very informative and fascinating to read Washington's reactions to battles and major events throughout the war. Last night, I finished The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. by Sandra Gulland, book #1 in the Josephine Bonaparte trilogy. I loved it, to say the least. I'm contemplating continuing with the series, or moving on to another book on my TBR list. AH! So many books, so little time!
Last night I did a quick read of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets of the Portuguese: A Celebration of Love. Absolutely gorgeous piece of work and a quick read. Highly recommend to those who love Victorian literature.
I started reading The Greatest Knight by Elizabeth Chadwick last week after the Fedex guy dropped it off on my doorstep. I had won this the week before. I also received Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel, which I received from the publisher. I hope to dive into that after The Greatest Knight.
I also won another book, this time from LibraryThing: According the Jane by Marilyn Brant. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book and was so surprised to open my email to find out I won it!
Woo, got this done during halftime, back to football! Have a great week, folks!
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