Do you read everything all the way through or do you feel life really is too short to read bad books?
I actually haven't read that many bad books, but when I do hit one, I usually do finish. I have to finish whatever I start, not just books. If I don't finish it, it drives me insane.
Wow...I never had that kind of curiosity when I find bad books...maybe it's because I don't have much time or maybe because I have lack of curiosity over something I don't enjoy
I think that I've developed this curiosity over the years. I am still so conflicted. I think, now, more than ever since I'm reviewing, I feel a duty to finish so I can finish if only to talk about the bad parts.
I try to have this attitude
Here's mine
I agree-I think I would keep thinking about the book if I didn't go back and finish it.
I don't feel an obligation and quickly move on to the next book.
Way to persevere! Here's my answer: http://thecrowdedleaf.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/booking-through-thursday-november-12-2009
It's very rare that I don't finish a book, but I would if I felt it was truly "bad."
I no longer feel obligated to finish bad books, or books that aren't grabbing my attention. I may set some books aside to read later, but if one is really bad, I let it go without a second thought.
Do you at least start another book while you finish the bad? I just can't do it, here is my response.
I try to give books a fair reading but I do agree that there are so many books out there to read - I cant force myself through a book I am not enjoying.
I am careful what I choose for reviews but state clearly in my policy that agreeing to review a book does not guarantee a favorable review or a review at all if I can not get through it.
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