As part of my obligations in receiving this award, I need to answer a few questions:
Where is your favorite place to read a book?
In bed, under all the covers.
What is the best book you've read recently?
I recently read Fireworks over Toccoa by Jeffrey Stepakoff. It made me cry; I loved it.
Do you snack while reading?
Nope, but sometimes I drink tea.
Are you a book borrower or book collector?
Definitely a collector. Borrowing means I have to give books back!
Here are some blogs I want to pass this along to, whose blogs I think are Ohh La La!
At Pemberley Just discovered this blog today. Check it out!
Amy Reads Good Books
TakeMe Away
Ooh thank you so much!!!
Thanks so much for the award!! Made my day :)
Thanks! I love the award!
Congratulations on your blog award.
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