Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bliss (Happy 101) Award


Thanks so much to Amelia of Imagination in Focus for this cute award!

The rules for this Bliss (Happy 101) Award are that I must list 10 things that make me happy, then pass it along to 10 other bloggers.

  1. The music of Queen. Hearing Freddie Mercury's voice always makes me happy, no matter my mood.
  2. A package of books showing up on my doorstep.
  3. Finding beautiful and unique photos from either the Victorian or Edwardian eras.
  4. The accomplished feeling I get when I finish a first draft of a novel, no matter if it won't see the light of day.
  5. New England.
  6. Taking trips with my family.
  7. The Boston Red Sox.
  8. The Theatre. Musicals, opera, whatever. Love it!
  9. Getting a job. Hopefully this will happen soon than later.
  10. My followers and fellow blog friends!
I pass this along to:

I hope seven is okay! So much pressure! :p


Jenny said...

Thanks so much!! What an adorable award. =)

Amelia said...

I want your manuscripts to see the light of DAYY!! I want them to see lots of days!

Lisa said...

Thanks! I love Queen, too. No matter what mood you're in, they have the song for it. Bohemian Rhapsody came on yesterday while I was at work (I wear earbuds while I work) and I'm not ashamed to say that I was headbanging right long with it!

Maria Grazia said...

Thank you, Christy! It's raining ...awards, these days! I've just posted my latest two ones and ... this third HAPPY 101 is extremely welcome! I'll update my posting.
Congratulations to you and all the other awarded Happy bloggers. Hugs. MG

mpartyka said...

Love your Bliss list! I would share many items with you.