Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Sunday Salon 03.28.10

Greetings, folks.

Ah, I watched the film Letter From an Unknown Woman tonight for the first time. It was playing on TCM and I stopped everything to watch it. It was beautiful and heartbreaking. I loved it.

As for books, I got three reviews up last week: Cut to the Quick and A Broken Vessel by Kate Ross, books #1 and #2 in Julian Kestrel mysteries. I also put up my review of Fireworks Over Toccoa by Jeffrey Stepakoff since it's coming out soon. I finished this book back in December.

As for what I'm reading, I'm reading a number of books at the moment: Shirley by Charlotte Brontë, Whom the Gods Love by Kate Ross and Daughters of the Witching Hill by Mary Sharret. Enjoying all!

Have a good week.