Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Sunday Salon 04.11.10

Good day.

I put up a few reviews last week: The Founding by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles and Whom The Gods Love (book #3 in the Julian Kestrel series) by Kate Ross.

I'm working my way through book #4 in the Julian Kestrel series, which is entitled A Devil In Music. I'm loving it, already. It's different from the previous three books, as it is set in Italy, and it is a much longer book than the rest by about 100 pages. Unfortunately, this is the last book, so I'm trying to savor it.

I started reading another book last week: Wild Heart: A Life: Natalie Clifford Barney and the Decadence of Literary Paris. Barney was just an incredibly interesting lady. I plan on using this for the Women Unbound Challenge.

On a side note, if you have a Tumblr, then check out my book-related blog over there called Holy Crap. Books!

Until next week!


Harvee44 said...

You had a good Week of reading! I talked about my first time joining on Sunday Salon: Read-a-thon Wrap-Up

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Wild Heart sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

Here's my salon:

Svea Love said...

It is so sad when you reach the last book in a series! I hope you thoroughly enjoy it :)

Have a great week!