Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Top Favorite Reads of 2010

Last year I did a top five, but there's no way I could pick just five for this year, so I'm not giving myself a limit!

NOTE: This is not a list of my favorite books released in 2010, but a list of my favorite books read in 2010.

The Devil in Music by Kate Ross. Actually, I love the whole series, which contains four books in all.

Mistress of the Revolution by Catherine Delors

Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty

The Bells by Richard Harvell

Wicked Company by Ciji Ware

The Distant Hours by Kate Morton

The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley

Under the Poppy by Kathe Koja

I read a lot of great books this year, but these are the ones that impressed me the most. You can see the list of all the books I read this year here.


Svea Love said...

The Devil in Music looks intriguing! I hope 2011 brings to a lot of amazing reads :)

Marg said...

So glad to see The Winter Sea and Song of Seduction on your list! Loved both of those, with The Winter Sea being one of my favourite books ever!

Joanne said...

Great line up! I nominated The Winter Sea as my TOP fav of the year (so glad people seem to love it). The Distant Hours was awesome, and I'm looking forward to reading the last two mysteries by Kate Ross in 2011.

Amelia said...

One thing I love about historical fiction is their covers are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :D