Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Sunday Salon 02.28.10


I went a little historical romance crazy last week, if you hadn't noticed. I didn't intend that to happen. I started book #1 in the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn earlier in the week and am already on book #4. Oye. I intend to take a break from the series after this one, although I don't know how much self control I'll have not to dive back in.

I started out the week with Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase and then followed with books 1-3 in the Bridgerton series: The Duke and I, The Viscount Who Loved Me and An Offer From a Gentleman.

Along with currently reading book #4: Romancing Mister Bridgerton, I also started on Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour by Lynne Olson.

I'm way ahead of my reading list from last year. Last year, at the end of February, I had finished 13 books. At the end of February this year, I have finished 16. Go me!

Have a great week!


Harvee44 said...

I love historical romances. I started a love story but its 351 pages long! Hope you visit my Sunday Salon.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I haven't read any historical romances in awhile. But since I signed up for that challenge, I need to get cracking!

Here's my Salon: