Hosted over at: words, words, words.
What's what:
This challenge will run from 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011.
Participants can sign up at any time throughout the year.
Read your Victorian literature.
Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901. If your book wasn't published during those particular years, but is by an author considered 'Victorian' then go for it. We're here for reading, not historical facts! Also, this can include works by authors from other countries, so long as they are from this period.
Literature comes in many forms.
There are so many Victorian reads out there, including novels, short stories, and poetry. One poem doesn't count as a 'book': pick up an anthology instead!
Choose your books.
List your books before you begin, or pick up titles along the way. It's up to you! You can review them if you choose to, but it's not necessary. If you don't have a blog, that's fine! Link to a Facebook, or a page somewhere where you can list what you've been reading. If you can't link up, no problem - feel free to just comment and enjoy.I'm going to go with the Great Expectations level: 5-9 books.
My list:
- The Hidden Hand by E.D.E.N. Southworth
- East Lynne by Ellen Wood
Possible candidates:
- Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
- The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
- Consuelo by George Sand
- Daniel Deronda by George Eliot
- Washington Square by Henry James
- The First Violin by Jessie Fothergill
- Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant

Hi, Christy! =) I'm doing this challenge, too, but it looks as if we have very, very different reading lists!
Just wondering: will you be reading the abridged version of Les Miserables or going for broke and reading the whole thing? =D
If I read it, it will be the full thing. It's been on my shelf forever; it's very intimidating, so I'm not sure if I'll attempt it, yet.
Hi Christy! Nice list! I'm gonna really go for it and tackle Les Miserables. So we can do that one together! Haha!
Will this be your first time reading Les Miserables? It was my favorite book in HS :) I have been wanting to reread it... 2011 shall be the year!
If I do read it, it will indeed be the first time. I've attempted to read it several times, but it's just so darn intimidating!
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