Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Ten Favorite Books I Read in 2011

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten is Top Ten Favorite Books I Read in 2011.

Orlando by Virginia Woolf | Cheri and The Last of Cheri by Colette | Charlotte and Emily by Jude Morgan


Wildflower Hill by Kimberley Freeman | The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley | The Villa Triste by Lucretia Grindle

The Charioteer by Mary Renault | Maurice by E.M. Forster | Before Ever After by Samantha Sotto

While England Sleeps by David Leavitt

Some runners-up:
Whew! I read a lot of good books this year!


April (BooksandWine) said...

I quite like the cover of The Rose Garden, it looks like there are lovely things between those pages. I looked at your review just now, and I LOVE TIME TRAVEL/time slips, so I'll have to definitely check that out.

Anonymous said...

I had The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley on my list but I loved The Rose Garden as well.

Anne said...

I just picked up Before Ever After and am really looking forward to reading it. Glad to see it made your top ten!

Harvee44 said...

I've read The Blind Contessa's New Machine and would love to read the rest on your list. Looks very good.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

You DID read a lot of great books this year! Thank you for your list.

Here's my Top Ten Favorite Books I Read in 2011.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

I loved The Rose Garden too! Before Ever After is on my wishlist. The Villa Triste is a new title for me, but it's caught my eye You read some great books this year!

Marg said...

Yay for The Rose Garden and Wildflower Hill!

Joanne said...

Yay for great reads in 2011!
Some of your choices were mine, as well!